Contact Information

  • Attention: Charlie Sosa, Interim City Manager
  • Mailing: P.O. Box 1458, Kingsville, TX 78364
  • Physical: 400 W. King Ave, Kingsville, TX 78363
  • Business: (361) 595-8002
  • Fax: (361) 595-8024
  • E-Mail:

Welcome to the City of Kingsville website!

As City Manager of Kingsville, I am proud of the services provided by our city staff. Our City government is committed to improving the delivery of effective and efficient services by building upon our success to become even more responsive, innovative and proactive in meeting the needs of our entire community. We are fortunate to have dedicated public servants who strive every day at improving the delivery of services.

If you have feedback and/or a suggestion on how the City can improve our delivery of services please do not hesitate to email me at

Thank you.


The daily business of City operations is the responsibility of the City Manager, the Chief Executive Officer, appointed by the Commission. The City Manager prepares recommendations and implements the policy directions approved by the Commission. The City Manager is responsible for the administration of City services by exercising effective leadership and management of the City. City personnel report to the City Manager.

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