City Secretary

Contact Information
- Attention: Mary Valenzuela
- Mailing: P.O. Box 1458 Kingsville, TX 78364
- Physical: 400 W. King Avenue, Kingsville, TX 78363
- Business: (361)595-8002
- Fax: (361)595-8024
- E-Mail: mvalenzuela@cityofkingsville.com
The City Secretary is an Administrative level position performing a variety of administrative duties and responsibilities in direct support of the City Manager.
The City Secretary serves as the Chief Election Official for the City of Kingsville and is responsible for the administration of all city elections. The City Secretary’s Office provides information and assistance to local residents on voter registration, candidate filings, election notices, and polling locations.
The City Secretary’s Office is responsible for the preparation and distribution of the City Commission meeting agendas and the agenda packets. The City Secretary must attend every City Commission meeting, keep accurate minutes and maintain a permanent record of the proceedings. Upon approval by the City Commission, the City Secretary’s Office coordinates the codification of city ordinances.
The City Secretary’s Office provides administrative support to the Mayor and City Commission. Primary duties include meeting facilitation, maintaining calendars, and organizing and preparing proclamations as directed by the Mayor.
The City Secretary is responsible for the care and maintenance of all City of Kingsville records. This office houses all City Commission minutes, agendas, ordinances, resolutions, contracts and a vast array of other historical and regulatory information. The City Secretary is designated as the City’s Records Management Officer is responsible for developing and administering a record retention and destruction policy and upgrading technology to provide for efficient and economic storage of records.
In addition to the duties listed above, the City Secretary serves as custodian of the City seal and attests the Mayor’s signature on all official documents, maintains all City Commission minutes and posts all legal notices and agendas.
Kingsville City Hall
400 W. King Ave. • Kingsville, Texas 78363
Phone: 361-595-8040 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm