Sam Fugate
MayorKingsville has always been my home and it gives me no greater pleasure than to give back to the community through public service. I have served on the Kingsville Independent School District Board of Trustees for the past nine years. I am also an active member of the Kingsville Chamber of Commerce and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. My involvement with the Douglas Youth Center, the Javelina and Brahma Booster Clubs stems from their supportive role they play in the community.
Born on December 30, 1953, in Kingsville, I attended Flato Elementary, Memorial Junior High school and H.M. King High School, graduating in 1972. I received a business degree in finance in 1976 from Southwest Texas State University and earned a Jurisprudence Doctorate from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio in 1978. For the last twenty years, I have practiced law in Kingsville.
I love to fish, golf and hunt, and there’s no better place for this than South Texas. I am married to Darlynn Evetts, who is a kindergarten teacher at Santa Gertrudis School, and am the proud father of four children, Nathan, Beth, Sammy, and Shane.
Mailing:P.O. Box 1458 Kingsville, TX 78364
Physical:400 W. King Avenue, Kingsville, TX 78363
Business:(361) 595-8001

Edna Lopez
City Commissioner, Place 1Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your City Commissioner. Kingsville has been my home for numerous years, and it gives me great pleasure to give back to our community through public service. I was elected City of Kingsville Commissioner in 2016 to Present, and elected Mayor Pro-tem from 2016 to 2020.
I was born in Alice, Texas, raised and educated in Kingsville. I am married to Alonzo Lopez, Jr., retired Kingsville Fire Chief, and we have 4 children and 11 grandchildren.
I was employed with the City of Kingsville from 1980 until retirement in 2012 and held the position of Kingsville City Secretary for the last nine (9) years of my employment. As City Secretary, I served as the Chief Election Official responsible for all municipal elections. My 32-year tenure as a City of Kingsville employee has provided me with an abundance of experience and knowledge of City Government and helps me work positively with and for the Citizens of the City of Kingsville and Kleberg County. I was the first City Secretary for the City of Kingsville to receive the designation of Texas Registered Municipal Clerk (TRMC) from the University of North Texas in Denton and the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) from International Institute of Municipal Clerks. I am presently employed with the Kingsville Independent School District. I presently serve as Secretary to the USS Kingsville Executive Steering Committee. I am a member of the Kingsville Chamber of Commerce, Texas Municipal Clerks Association, and the International Institutes of Municipal Clerks.
As a member of the City Commission, my focus has been on:
- Supporting law enforcement and fire
- Promoting economic development
- Providing democratic and accountable government
- Promoting a safe and healthy environment for all our citizens
- Encouraging collaboration on InterLocal Governmental projects with all entities.
I will continue to work diligently to make our community to be a better place to live.
Mailing:P.O. Box 1458 Kingsville, TX 78364
Physical:400 W. King Avenue, Kingsville, TX 78363
Business:(361) 595-8002
Fax:(361) 595-8024

Norma Nelda Alvarez
City Commissioner, Place 2I have been a Kingsville resident for over 50 years, a Civic Leader, Educator, School Administrator, Director of Special Education, City Commissioner, County Commissioner, and now again Kingsville City Commissioner.
My family roots in Kleberg County began in 1884, when Captain Richard King gave my great-great-grand father Matias Alvarez employment at what is now known as the King Ranch. My father, Reynaldo R. Alvarez was reared on the King Ranch, later moved to Corpus Christi, Texas, and married my mother Adela Gonzalez. I was born in Corpus Christi, Texas and moved to Kingsville where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Education and Master of School Administration from Texas A & I University. Upon graduation, I was employed at the Kingsville Independent School District, and retired after 46 years of service. Al Garcia a former Kingsville City Commissioner, and an insurance agent, has been my husband for 36 years.
Additionally, I was elected as the City of Kingsville Commissioner from 1994 to 1996, and elected Mayor Pro-tem from 1996 to 1998. From 1998 through 2002, I had the distinction of being the first women elected to serve on the Kleberg County Commissioner’s Court Precinct 2. Once again from 2007 to 2011, I was elected as a Kleberg County Commissioner Court Precinct 2. My tenure as County and City Commissioner provided me with an abundance of knowledge and experience to work positively with the citizens of Kleberg County and the City of Kingsville.
During my term as County Commissioner, my leadership was instrumental in supporting numerous projects and ventures that aided the county’s economy that resulted in millions of dollars of grants awarded to the county. Grants awarded included: The Coastal Impact Assistance Grant, The Airport Participation Grant, The County Airport Terminal Re-facing Grant, The Automated Weather Observation Grant, The Airport Master Plan Grant, Taxi Way Grant (which acquired 100 feet from the King Ranch), Riviera Beach Park/Fishing Pier Renovation Grant, The Kaufer-Hubert Park/Fishing Pier Renovation/Sea wall Grant, The Sea Wind Recreation Park expansion and the Riviera New Water Well Grant.
Receiving the Who’s Who Outstanding Women of the Year Award, and over 45 years of community service, has placed me on numerous boards: The Advisory Board for the Board Appointed Special Advocates, Texas Council of Administrators, the Kingsville Development Council, the Kingsville Area Educators Credit Union, the Kingsville Action Network, South Texas Water Authority, The Boys and Girls Club, Texas A&M Social Work Advisory Board, President of Texas Municipal League Region 11, The Kingsville Texas State Teachers Association, the Association of Texas Professional Educators, the Texas Classroom Teachers Association, the Texas Teacher Retirement Association. Further serving the community, I graduated from the Border Patrol Citizens Academy, participate in the Kingsville Chamber of Commerce Leadership Class IV, served as Vice-President of Phi Delta Kappa, and Chairperson for AWARE department of the Kingsville Women’s Club.
While in office as County Commissioner, I was a member of the South Texas County Judges and Commissioners Association, and Texas Attorney General’s Advisory Committee. I am currently an active member of the Kingsville Noon Rotary Club and Aware Department of the Kingsville Women’s Club.
As a newly elected City Commissioner, my goals are to:
- > Encourage economic development
- > Support law enforcement and fire protection
- > Focus on public safety
- > Promote cooperation with the other entities on intergovernmental projects.
I look forward to working diligently with the other City officials to achieve these goals.
Mailing:P.O. Box 1458 Kingsville, TX 78364
Physical:400 W. King Avenue, Kingsville, TX 78363
Business:(361) 595-8002

Hector Hinojosa
City Commissioner, Place 3I was born in Hebbronville, Texas on July 25, 1947. I graduated from Hebbronville High School in 1965 and later attended Laredo Junior College and graduated from Texas A&I University in 1969 with a degree in Business Administration- Accounting.
I was an employee of the City of Kingsville as an Accountant, Finance Director, and City Manager. I held various Administration positions for various Cities in Texas and was County Treasury for Kleberg County.
I am married to Norma G. Hinojosa, a local native, we have three grown children who graduated from Texas A&M University-Kingsville.
I have served as a Board Member in Texas Coalition of Affordable Power, Kingsville Crime Stoppers, Chamber of Commerce, Rural Coastal Bend Private Industry Council, Coastal Bend Workforce Development Board, and Institute of Rural Development Board.
I am currently a member of the Knights of Columbus 2623 and Assembly 1303, Anos De Oro and Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Finance Committee.
I will continue to support our City Employees and what is best for our Citizens of Kingsville.
I will support to improve our infrastructure, lower taxes, and maintain a close watch in our City spending and transparency.
Mailing:P.O. Box 1458 Kingsville, TX 78364
Physical:400 W. King Avenue, Kingsville, TX 78363
Business:(361) 595-8002

Leo Alarcon
City Commissioner, Place 4Longtime Kingsville native Leo Alarcon is no stranger to serving the public in city and county government, having served as the county clerk for a decade and as director of tourism services for the City of Kingsville before retiring in 2018.
I have a strong-willed desire to serve everyone in an honest and faithful way. I’m someone who cares about our community and what happens here. I will always work hard to the best of my ability for our citizens.
Leo has a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism and a Master of Science degree in counseling and guidance from Texas A&M University-Kingsville. He received continuing education hours for elected officials at Texas College of Probate Judges, the University of Texas School of Law in Austin and the Texas A&M University Extension Service Center in College Station.
While with the City, Leo designed new city logos which incorporated the historic 1909 Henrietta M. King building and it’s surrounding palm trees. Designed and created wayfinding signs, served as the project manager in remodeling the visitor center, took over the management of the exposition center, recorded radio broadcast commercials marketing events, reestablished the Ranch Hand Festival and La Posada de Kingsville parade, served as the city’s Santa Claus, created a downtown newsletter and handled activities for the grand opening of the newly restored city hall. Leo’s tenure with the City of Kingsville followed a successful incumbency as county clerk.
He was first elected to fill an unexpired term in 2004 and was re-elected to full terms during the 2006 and 2010 election seasons by obtaining the highest number of votes in contested and non contested races. Prior to his departure to the City, Leo was the top vote getter during the 2014 Kleberg County March primaries. That same summer in Laredo, Leo was chosen as the Region VIII County Clerk of the Year by his peers, the region is composed of the southern-most 34 counties of Texas.
During his time as county clerk, he made upgrades to the county’s voting processes, including adding “a very sophisticated tabulator” that could automatically count paper ballots while the voter was still at the poll. He was also the first county clerk in Texas to use iPads during the voter sign-in process, which allowed for automatic scanning of driver’s licenses and other identifiers through the devices. In addition, he made modifications to the county’s precinct numbering system and reduced the number of voting locations, which he said resulted in financial savings for the county.
Leo spearheaded the County’s centennial celebration and obtained the portrait of Robert Justus Kleberg from the King Ranch archives for the permanent placement in the courthouse’s rotunda after a 100 year absence, he had the county shield made to officially hang in the courthouse annex, did research to find the portraits of elected county clerks and the first elected officials, arranged for elected officials to take portraits of themselves for placement at the courthouse corridors, encouraged the Texas Secretary of State to notify the Governor to contribute proclamations recognizing the centennial and had other state officials submit proclamations, he also had a giant Texas flag painted in a county clerk’s office wall.
Leo’s varied career included stints with Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, King Ranch, Kingsville ISD, and Texas A&M University-Kingsville.
Until recently he served on the Texas Silver-Hair Legislature. Leo represented the Southern District of the Coastal Bend Region which consisted of the following counties, Brooks, Duval, Jim Wells, Kenedy and Kleberg. He served on the Kingsville Area Educators Federal Credit Union supervisory committee. Leo has been a member of the Kingsville Rotary Club since 2005 where he is a Paul Harris Fellow and former president, a civic organization that has been in existence in Kingsville since 1923. He is a member of the Sons of the American Legion, a patriotic service organization officially formed for the children of servicemen who were in the United States Armed Forces. Leo was formerly a board member of the Javelina Alumni Association, the City of Kingsville planning & zoning commission, the zoning board of adjustments, and the Kingsville community choir. He is a member of St. Martin’s Catholic Church.
Mailing Address:P.O. Box 1458 Kingsville, TX 78364
Physical:400 W. King Avenue, Kingsville, TX 78363
Business:(361) 595-8002