To report a problem with a private contractor or individual you hired and paid in full to perform a service and who never returned to start the work, please contact the Better Business Bureau of the Coastal Bend at (361) 852-4949 or 800-379-4222 with the name of the individual or company. You may also contact one of the Justice of the Peace Courts at the following telephone numbers listed below. JP Courts have a jurisdictional limit of $5,000.
Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 – Judge Andy Gonzalez (361) 595-8505
Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 – Judge Mario Alaniz Delgado (361) 595-8571
Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 – Judge Sam Brown (361) 296-3214
Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 – Judge Esequiel (Cheque) De La Paz (361) 595-8586