Emergency Alert System
A Commitment to Excellence
To the employees, citizens and visitors, we extend a SAFE & WARM WELCOME! We hope your visit with us is a safe one. The following is information about the Emergency Alert System in place for the City of Kingsville.
The City of Kingsville’s Emergency Alert System
This system will be used during actual or impending emergencies that threaten the lives and/or property of our citizens. The Emergency Alert System is essentially an updated and improved version of the obsolete Emergency Broadcast System. This system is the national emergency broadcast warning system for the United States and the city will use this system to provide a public broadcast via public television, cable television and radio.
In general terms, the Emergency Alert System is made up of a series of coded transmitters which enable federal, state or local governments to interrupt normal radio and television broadcasts and transmit emergency messages.
The effectiveness of the Emergency Alert System depends on whether people are listening to the radio or watching television at the time of the emergency broadcast.
The City has other Emergency Alert System tools in place to alert our citizens of actual or impending emergencies. The tools consist of tone alert radios and phone tools.
Tone Alert Radios: These radios are located in local schools, hospitals law enforcement offices and public service offices. Activation of the radios will sound an alert tone followed by the type of emergency and instructions on what to do. The radios are tested on Wednesdays.
Phone Tools: The Phone Tools provide emergency information to either a select group of residents of the entire community using a computer driven phone dialer. The Phone tools have three functions:
1) To make automated phone calls
2) To provide emergency information by making automated phone calls using digital maps and a database of our community telephone numbers. Currently, the phone database does not include phone numbers not listed in our local phone book. If you would like your unlisted phone number to be included in the database, please call the Emergency Management Coordinator at (361) 595-8056.
The City will continue to work to improve our Emergency Alert System to better inform you during actual or impending emergencies.
If you have any questions about the alert system for the City of Kingsville or the surrounding area, please contact the Emergency Management Coordinator at the following:
Contact Information
- Attention: Adrian Garcia, Fire Chief
- Mailing: P.O. Box 1458 Kingsville, TX 78364
- Physical: 119 N. 10th, Kingsville, TX 78363
- Business: (361) 592-6445
- E-Mail: agarcia@cityofkingsville.com
- EOC Phone: (361) 221-9317
- EOC Fax: (361) 221-9072
Kingsville City Hall
400 W. King Ave. • Kingsville, Texas 78363
Phone: 361-595-8040 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm