Fire Prevention
The City of Kingsville wants you to be safe from fire hazards. We have included the following tips to protect you and prevent the destruction of your home and property.
Fire Safety
- Have working smoke detectors and check on a monthly basis.
- Have an escape plan (Practice! Practice! Practice!)
- Never leave cooking unattended.
- Inspect home for fire hazards regularly.
- Keep matches and lighters away from children.
- Allow 3 feet of clearance around space heaters.
- Clean out dryer vents.
- Have a qualified inspector check your furnace.
*Additional Free Fire Safety Materials can be obtained at the Central Fire Station.*
Smoke Detector Installation program
The Fire Department will install at no cost, free smoke detectors (minimum of 2/per household) upon a homeowner’s request. Landlords are responsible for supplying and installing smoke alarms for their tenants. Individuals that are interested are to call the Central Fire Station and submit their request and schedule an installation day.
Station Tours
To schedule a fire station tour, contact the Central Fire Station at (361)592-6445. Tours maybe scheduled between the hours of 10am- 4pm and limited to 45minutes in duration. Please provide the following information:
- Date and possible alternative dates (Note: Please provide two weeks advance notice)
- Time
- Name of requestor
- Contact telephone number
- Name of Organization (i.e., school, city resident, scout troop #, etc.)
- Number & age range of children who will be present during the tour
- Number of adults who will be present during the tour
*Since personnel are in service during tours, please prepare the children that there will be loud noises and equipment should not be touched. Fire and Medic units may have to respond to emergencies during your visits. It is important for everyone’s safety to keep all children controlled throughout the tour.*
Safety Talks
To schedule Safety Talks for special/seasonal events, contact the Central Fire Station at (361)592-6445. Please provide the following information:
- Date and possible alternative dates (Note: Please provide two weeks advance notice)
- Time
- Name of requestor
- Contact telephone number
- Name of Organization (i.e., school, city resident, scout troop #, etc.)
- Topic(s) that is needed to be presented
*Since personnel are in service, please be aware that personnel and units may have to respond to emergencies during their presentation. All efforts will be made to return and complete the presentation or reschedule it.*
When Should You Call 9-1-1?
- A Life threatening situation
- Immediate threat or danger of property
- An ambulance is needed
- A fire
What Do You Do When You Call 9-1-1?
- Stay Calm
- Speak Clearly
- Describe the Emergency
- Give an Exact Location
- Answer All Questions
!!!!!!CALL 9-1-1 IN EMERGENCIES ONLY!!!!!!!
Every non-emergency 911 call keeps advance life support from real emergencies.
Kingsville City Hall
400 W. King Ave. • Kingsville, Texas 78363
Phone: 361-595-8040 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm