Your monthly charge for the collection of garbage is set out according to Solid Waste Collections Division guidelines and city ordinance rates adopted. The rate depends on whether you choose a roll-out container or a commercial dumpster.
Prices and fees do not include tax. Commercial rates are also available online or by calling Utility Billing at 361-592-5281 or 361-595-8028.
For out-of-city limits garbage pick-up rates, please contact Utility Billing at 361-592-5281 or check online at, Code of Ordinances Section 5-1-55
Your monthly rate does not cover the collection of garbage that does not fit easily in your roll-out or dumpster when full. You may call Utility Billing at 361-592-5281 or 361-595-8028 for extra pick-up fees or commercial dumpsters or for extra roll-outs for a fee.
400 W. King Ave. • Kingsville, Texas 78363
Phone: 361-595-8040 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm