Utility Billing
Contact Information
- Attention: Maricela Perez
- Mailing: P.O. Box 1458, Kingsville, TX 78364
- Physical: 200 E. Kleberg, Kingsville, TX 78363
- Business: (361)595-8030
- Fax: (361)595-8075
- E-Mail: mperez@cityofkingsville.com
What We Do
The City of Kingsville Utility Office, located at 200 East Kleberg Avenue. The Utility Billing staff is responsible for reading, maintaining, billing and collection of approximately 7,700 water and sewer accounts each month. Utility Billing also handles requests to connect and disconnect or transfer services, answers customer inquiries concerning their accounts and handles all billing maintenance necessary to send accurate and timely bills to our customers.
Utility Connects and Disconnects
Application for utility service can be made by coming to the Utility Office at 200 E. Kleberg, Avenue, and Monday through Friday 8:15 am to 5:00 pm. Call Customer Service at (361)592-5281. All requests for any service orders have to be requested via phone and all new services have to be requested in person with a lease, social security card, valid I.D., and water utility deposit. If you are the property owner; the information will be verified via the Appraisal District online system.
Payment Options
Thank you for your payment, if you have been disconnected for non-payment, contact the Utility Billing Department at 361-592-5281 to advise them of your payment during regular business hours. If it is after-hours; call the Police Department at 361-592-4311 and they in turn will send an after-hours crew to restore service with proof of payment. Be advised that an additional fee of $50 shall be charged for restoration of service after regular working hours; this fee will be added to your water bill.
Automatic Bank Draft
A convenient way to pay your water bill each month is to sign up for automatic bank drafting. There is no cost to you, and your payment will be automatically drafted on the due date printed on your bill each month. You will still receive your monthly bill so you can monitor your water usage. To apply, contact a customer service representative at (361) 592-5281 for further information.
Paying in Person at The Municipal Building
Kingsville Utility Office is located at 200 E. Kleberg. Our office hours are 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding City holidays.
A payment kiosk is available 24 hours a day, located on the west (6th Street) side of 200 E. Kleberg Avenue, next to the Municipal Court entrance.
Payment Depositories
Payment drop box is located in the front (Kleberg Street) side of the building at the Municipal Building, located at 200 E. Kleberg.
Payment with Credit Card
The city is now accepting payment with credit card. This option can be used by online payments, phone payments, and also can be used in person at the Municipal Building. The city is only accepting MasterCard and Visa at this time. Call main line for any questions, 361-592-5281
Check for Water Leaks
(Assuming there are no leaks in your house can cost you money!)
The City would like to encourage all customers to monitor their homes for possible water leaks. Leaks not only waste water; they cost you money!
First Sign
One of the first indications of a water leak is an unexplained increase in the usage amount and dollar amount on your monthly water bill. If there is an increase in usage that cannot be explained (extra people in the house, lawn watering, faucet left on, etc) there is a possibility that a toilet is leaking, a faucet is dripping, or there is a break in the water line between the meter and the house. Other sources of leaks can be the sprinkler system, the water softener, or the automatic fill on the swimming pool.
Check Toilets
First We recommend that you check your toilets first. Our experience shows that most leaks occur in the toilet. A leaking toilet tank can waste up to 200 gallons of water per day. To check for a leaking toilet you will need some food coloring (any color). Flush the toilet. Then put enough coloring in the tank to color the water. Do not flush the toilet for at least an hour. If the water in the bowl of the toilet becomes colored there is a leak that will need to be repaired. Water faucets, inside and outside of the house, can also be leaking. Even the smallest drip can waste up to 20 gallons per day. In most cases, a leaking faucet is caused by a worn washer or “O” ring. Look around the yard. If there is a leak in the water line there will be a spot in the yard that never dries up. This could indicate that the water line below needs to be replaced. If you have a sprinkler system, turn on the system and check each sprinkler head and make sure that it is working properly.
Also trace the sprinkler line to make sure there is not a leak between sprinkler heads. Water softeners and swimming pools with an automatic fill device are other possible sources for leaks. Remember, it is your responsibility to make sure all leaks are repaired in a timely manner. The City is responsible for the main water line and the meter itself. Leaks on the City’s line do not affect the charges on your water bill.
The following are links to our city utility rates. Click on each link for more information.
Kingsville City Hall
400 W. King Ave. • Kingsville, Texas 78363
Phone: 361-595-8040 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm