Public Notice of Unclaimed Property
Valued less than $100.00

Every year the City of Kingsville reports unclaimed property in the form of returned or un-cashed checks, deposits, refunds, over-payments or any other transaction creating a credit balance. This property is presumed abandoned and is subject to Chapter 76 of Title 6, Unclaimed Property, Texas Property Code.

If the City of Kingsville is holding property belonging to you, the Finance Department wants to help you get your property back.

The current Unclaimed Property List allows you to view properties valued at less than $100.00 online by alphabetical order of the last name of the payee. If you find your name or are an interested party of someone named on the Unclaimed Property List, print and complete the claim form and send it to the Finance Department along with proper identification supporting your claim to ownership. Many of the names listed are from water account deposit refunds. Please provide old addresses, which we can use to match claimant name with our records.

Once a claim is submitted, the Finance Department will review the information received and may:
• Accept your claim of ownership and remit the property to you
• Contact you for more information, or
• Deny your claim by notifying you in writing

Property belonging to you will continue to be held until you claim it. Whenever an owner wants to claim the property, the owner must present proof of the claim to the City of Kingsville Finance Department, and establish the right to receive the property.

For additional information, please contact the Finance Department:

City of Kingsville
Attn: Finance Department
P.O. Box 1458
Kingsville, TX 78364
(361) 595-8023

It’s never too late to make contact.

Unclaimed Property List

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