Rudy Mora, City Engineer

Contact Information

  • Attention: Rutilio “Rudy” Mora
  • Mailing: P.O. Box 1458 Kingsville, TX 78364
  • Physical: 400 W. King Kingsville, TX 78363
  • Business: (361) 595-8007
  • Fax: (361) 595-8035
  • E-Mail:

Welcome to the Engineering Department

Our mission is to provide comprehensive engineering support for all City Departments, the Capital Improvement Program, and the public. We take a proactive approach to new developments within the city, ensuring that the City’s infrastructure is built in accordance with the City Code Ordinances, and adheres to the highest standards of construction and engineering compliance.

What We Do

The Engineering Department administers technical support for 23 departments and various outside agencies. We act as a record keeper for the City’s infrastructure records, archiving engineering-related construction drawings, some of which date back over 80 years.

Our Divisions

We are organized into two primary divisions: Construction and Development, which encompass plan review and GIS data collection design.

Construction Division

The Construction Division provides construction inspection and oversight for all roads, drainage areas, water distribution, and wastewater collection systems. Our responsibilities include:

  • Determining if all quality control and quality assurance requirements are being met for public infrastructure.
  • Inspecting all public infrastructure and facilities construction to ensure adherence to approved plans and specifications.
  • Providing utility coordination to assure rights-of-way are cleared for any proposed improvements.

Additionally, our division collaborates closely with the Development Division to ensure seamless integration of project planning and GIS data collection design. This includes:

  • Project Planning: Assisting in the production of plans and specifications for construction projects.
  • GIS Data Collection Design: Implementing strategies for effective GIS data collection and management, ensuring accurate spatial data for infrastructure projects.

This collaborative effort ensures that construction projects are well-planned, executed efficiently, and supported by accurate GIS data collection design.


Development Division

The Development Division performs a review of proposed streets and drainage areas for commercial and residential subdivision development. Our technical support includes, but is not limited to:

  • Production of plans and specifications.
  • Construction project inspections.
  • Traffic control planning/engineering.
  • Street, park and pedestrian lighting.
  • Capital Improvement Management
  • Land Development Compliance
  • Floodplain Management and Development

Street Improvement Program

Street Improvement Program

The City of Kingsville has established the 10-year Street Improvement Program. This program focuses on the reconstruction of streets in accordance with the Street Rating System performed in January 2013. The map below provides a quick visual reference for the conditions of the city-owned streets and is updated quarterly as streets are completed.

Street Improvement Program FY24-25

Contact Us

For inquiries or assistance, please contact the Engineering Department Administrative Assistant:

Brianna Barrera
Office Number: 361-595-8007

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